Covid Restrictions

Tom Crean Business Centre is following all governmental advisory restrictions as outlined by the Irish Government. Under current guidelines, only essential workers should be present at the centre until further notice.

To ensure the safety of our tenants, the centre has put in place many COVID-19 controls throughout the centre to include the following:

  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols
  • Multiple sanitation points
  • Directional safety signage
  • Mask wearing policy
  • Safety screens
  • COVID-19 sign-in forms
  • COVID-19 safety training


Guidelines for Essential Workers on site are as follows:

  • Only attend the centre if it is essential to do so.
  • Maintain a minimum of 2 metre social distancing at all times.
  • Wash & sanitise your hands regularly.
  • Wear a mask/face covering at all times when in common/public areas of the centre.
  • Clean and sanitise as you go in the canteen, boardroom and bathroom areas.
  • Keep your workspaces ventilated.


The COVID-19 virus is highly transmissible and we must follow the guidelines set in place, which will help contribute to the prevention of the potential for the virus to spread amongst ourselves, colleagues, friends and families.


The Tom Crean Business Centre will notify all tenants should changes in the restrictions be released by the Irish Government and we will update all tenants accordingly.


For enquiries, please contact: [email protected]

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