Enterprise Ireland – Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. We work in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets. In this way, we support sustainable economic growth, regional development and secure employment. Additionally, EI supports the following funded programmes: New Frontiers, Competitive Start Fund, High-Potential Start-Ups, Sustaining Enterprise Fund, Feasibility Grants and Innovation Funds.
The Tom Crean Business Centre supports businesses and start-ups by assisting with referrals and funding applications to regional, national and international supports including:
Kerry Local Enterprise Office –Kerry County Council Local Enterprise Office is based in County Buildings in Tralee but provides a service across the county. Their role is to support start up and growing businesses through business training and financial support capacity. Small businesses are supported to maintain and build on a thriving and local economy to create sustainable jobs.
Kerry Halo Business Angel Network –HBAN Kerry Angel Network aims, to create an investment vehicle in Kerry to increase the deal flow into the HBAN Kerry Angel Network and open up opportunities for Kerry companies – both early stage start-ups and HPSUs and to establish a network that will deliver value to members in the form of quality deals that have scale and opportunity for significant returns and potential for success